CHOC Leadership
PresidentDaniel Ekaha, M. D.Cancer Care Associates of York Email | Vice-PresidentNoah Lindenberg, MDHematologist/Oncologist - Lindenberg Cancer & Hematology Center Email |
TreasurerGina Pagotto-Williams, RN, MSN, CRNPBryn Mawr Medical Specialists Email | SecretaryDiane DelVecchio-Carter, MSN, RN-BC, OCNOffice Manager - Ricardo Carter, MD Email |
DirectorRicardo Carter, MDRicardo Carter, MD Email | DirectorAJ CorderoPractice Administrator - Cancer Care Associates of York Email |
DirectorMichelle Leandri, MHACEO Hematology & Oncology Associates of NEPA, PC Email | DirectorPayal Patel, EMBA,MBA,MHAConsulting CEO - Adams County Cancer Center Email |
CHOC Administrative DirectorFran SpineEmail |