
May 21, 2024
5:00PM - 6:00PM

A Webinar sponorsed by POHMS: Quality Fraud: What's That?

Quality Fraud: What's That?

POHMS will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday May 21, 2024 at 5:00 PM EST

There is NO CHARGE for this webinar.  It is another benefit of your POHMS membership.
To Register click here:  Quality Fraud: What's That?

Quality Fraud: What’s That?

The predominant basis for federal fraud and abuse enforcement and settlements is the False Claims Act. While most of those enforcements and settlements turn on things like failing to perform services or under-documentation of the service billed, there are a host of requirements pertaining to clinical quality that can lead to false claims and other forms of fraud and abuse liability. In this crisp half hour program with a 17 page substantive handout and fifteen minutes for Q & A, Alice elucidates these little appreciated risks which merit focused attention from all providers.

Who should participate in this webinar?

Alice Gosfield, Esq from Alice G. Gosfield and Associates, PC


To Register click here:  Quality Fraud: What's That?

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